
Annual event in the plasticizer industry

Feb 15th,2023

1. The phthalic anhydride plant of Gulei Chemical was put into operation, breaking the domestic supply pattern of phthalic anhydride

In late January 2022, the phthalic anhydride project with the largest single-line production in the world - the phthalic anhydride project of Fuhua Gulei Chemical Company in Fujian Province (pictured above) opened up the whole production process and successfully produced the 2022 No. 0001 large-package qualified products. It is reported that the project is designed to produce 260,000 tons of phthalic anhydride and 7,000 tons of maleic anhydride per year to optimize production costs. The comprehensive energy consumption and market competitiveness are both in the forefront of China's phthalic anhydride industry, with strong industry competitiveness.

Longzhong Interpretation: With the new phthalic anhydride plant put into operation, the regional imbalance of phthalic anhydride in China may be broken, the cross-regional liquidity of the market may decrease and weaken, and the overall market may be dominated by the consumption of goods in their respective regions. In particular, the 260,000-ton phthalic anhydride plant in Fujian was put into operation. Previously, phthalic anhydride in South China relied more on supply from other regions (mainly the supply of naphthalene-based phthalic anhydride in the north and the inflow of ortho-phthalic anhydride in East China). Great changes have taken place. With the limited increase in downstream demand in South China, especially after the phthalic anhydride plant in Fujian has been put into operation, South China's dependence on external supply has been greatly reduced, and the supply of this plant has also impacted the Jiangsu and Zhejiang markets.


2. With the implementation of the new standard, there is a new basis for the detection of 6 kinds of phthalates

The new standard for water quality testing "HJ1242-2022 Determination of 6 Phthalate Compounds in Water Quality by Liquid Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry" will be officially implemented on November 1, 2022. The standard is issued by the Ecological Environment Monitoring Department , Department of Regulations and Standards organized and formulated. Since it is released for the first time, this standard also fills the gap in my country's testing standards for phthalates, and aims to prevent and control ecological environmental pollution, improve the quality of the ecological environment, and regulate phthalates in water.

Longzhong's interpretation: The promulgation of this standard reflects the country's continuous attention and concern to the healthy development of the ecological environment and the health and safety of people's lives. At the same time, it has important guiding significance for improving the quality of environmental monitoring data, serving ecological environment supervision and law enforcement, and promoting ecological environment protection.

Although the current situation of overcapacity in the DOTP market is severe, the restrictions on o-phthalic plasticizers by domestic and foreign policies continue unabated. DOTP as an environmentally friendly plasticizer is still a development trend in the later stage, and the demand should also show an increasing pattern.


3. In 2022, the DOP price will drop by 14.75% year-on-year

In 2022, the annual average price of the DOP market will be 10,741.37 yuan/ton (Jiangsu market as an example), a year-on-year decrease of 14.75%, while the annual low price will be 8,600 yuan/ton, and the high price will be 13,350 yuan/ton. 4750 yuan / ton.

Longzhong Interpretation: DOP market price fluctuations mainly follow the changes in raw material octanol. Among them, in the first quarter and the fourth quarter, there was a strong support for the high level of octanol. However, the price of octanol plummeted at the beginning of June, which drove down the price of DOP, and the overall decline The annual average price level, but until September, another raw material, phthalic anhydride, has a strong upward trend due to tight supply, and the cost pressure of DOP has begun to increase, while end-user demand has decreased compared with previous years due to factors such as the impact of the epidemic and insufficient orders. Support, there are trends such as "one-day tour" and "two-day tour" in the duration. Generally speaking, the price of DOP shows a downward trend.


4. The price of octanol fell by 25.22%

In 2022, the average market price of octanol in Jiangsu will be 10,677 yuan/ton, a month-on-month decrease of 25.22%. The highest point was in early February, and the price was 14,500 yuan/ton. The lowest point is in mid-July, and the price is 8,000 yuan/ton.

Longzhong Interpretation: Under the suppression of the epidemic, the downstream and terminal operating rates have declined. At the same time, industry insiders are worried about the economic situation, and the activity of the octanol market has declined significantly compared with 2021. The downward transmission of high market prices is not smooth, of which the largest decline occurred in June. At the beginning of the month, the price of octanol in Jiangsu was 12,550 yuan/ton, and the price of octanol dropped to 9,000 yuan/ton at the end of the month. The octanol market fell by 28.29% in June. Due to the large drop in market prices in June, the upstream and downstream inventory operations will be reduced in the second half of the year to reduce risks. After September, the recovery of downstream demand and good export orders drove the focus of the octanol market to move up, and the market volatility narrowed compared with the first half of the year.


5. Supported by the decline in the use of substitutes, the demand for DBP has grown

In 2022, the annual apparent consumption of the DBP market will be 540,000 tons, a year-on-year increase of 3.85%. The product supply is 540,000 tons, and the import volume is less than 100 tons, which is negligible. The export volume is around 1,000 tons, and the impact is limited.